Learn how to tie dye a rastaman (red, gold and green) spiral tie dye t-shirt.  Full instructions including how to prepare and tie up the t-shirt, how to prepare the dyes and apply the dyes and how to wash out the dye and finish the tie dye. 

Video by Made By Hippies
Music by Burn One Project
Copyright 2015 by Erik Granstrom

1) Put 100% cotton t-shirt in the washing machine and wash regularly. 

2) Lay wet t-shirt flat on a table. 

3) Grasp the middle of the t-shirt and twist into a spiral. 

4) Tie with three rubber bands. 

5) Dip t-shirt into a bucket of water that has half a cup of soda ash solution mixed in for every gallon of water. 

6) Set shirt on a shelf to dry for a few days before it is dyed. 

7) Mix up red, yellow, green and black Procion Dyes with water into squirt bottles. 

For red use 1/2 fuchsia and 1/2 scarlet.  
For yellow use 1/2 golden yellow and 1/2 lemon yellow.
For green use avocado and for black use jet black.

7A) Take cap off squirt bottle and insert funnel. 
Take cap off squirt bottle and insert funnel. 

7B) Add one tablespoon of dye for every 16 oz of water. 
Add one tablespoon of dye for every 16 oz of water. 

7C) Fill bottle with water about half way. 
Fill bottle with water about half way. 

7D) Shake and swirl bottle to mix dye powder into the water. 
Shake and swirl bottle to mix dye powder into the water. 

7E) Finish filling bottle and put cap on. 
Finish filling bottle and put cap on. 

7F) Shake vigorously to mix dye, when there are no dry dye particles floating dye is ready to be used. 

8) Set dry dipped tied t-shirt onto a rack inside a plastic container. 

9) Hold t-shirt on it's side and apply Black to the entire bottom of the t-shirt. 

10) Apply red to a pie shape wedge that covers one third of the t-shirt. 

11) Apply yellow next in the same way. 

12) Apply green to the remaining third of the t-shirt. 

13) Leave t-shirt to sit for twelve to eighteen hours. 

14) Fill washing machine with super hot water and add one half a cup of synthrapol or similar super strength laundry detergent. (Anywhere from one to about fifteen t-shirts can be washed in one load at a time.) 

15) Cut the rubber bands off of the t-shirt. 

16) Place t-shirt in the washing machine making sure to fully submerge the entire shirt under the water. 

17) Once the washing machine has finished, add another half cup of synthrapol and run the washing machine for a second time. 

18) Place the tie dye t-shirt in the dryer and dry. 

19) Take the tie dye t-shirt out of the dryer and the Rastaman on Black Spiral Tie Dye T-Shirt is finished!